Parker turned three on November 18th and it was the week Chris was in the hospital for H1N1. So not only did he miss her birthday completely but we had to cancel the little party we had planned. Then the holidays hit, the kids were sick, etc. and it kept getting pushed back until last week I decided to just invite a small group over for today. And it worked out perfectly! Everyone could come on short notice, Parker was confused but excited and the girls had a great time!

Here are just some snaps from today… taken by a random assortment of people as I would yell, “please! someone! grab my camera!”

I have mommy guilt. A lot lately as I just don’t have time to do art projects or spend lots of one on one time with the kids anymore. SO last night I stayed up until 3am making that paper triangle banner-thing along with a few other projects. As if killing myself to make a few cute things for the party makes up for anything!

When I was sanding these letters I covered in paper just to lay on the food table at 2:30am I realized this was ridicules and went to bed!

Bailey helped me set this up yesterday… we put each item for their treat bags in separate containers so that after the girls decorated their bags they got to pick what went in their bags! It was fun to see which little treat got the girls excited!

It was a PINK party and the Grandpa’s didn’t disappoint! HA!

We had a SIMPLE party. They got to decorate their treat bags and decorate their own cupcakes and play. It was a really great morning!

Turn DOWN your volume a bit for this b/c i did NO editing to it! HA!

Happy LATE Birthday sweet girl! We love you so much!