I’ve been up at the hospital all day with my Mother-in-law who is having some complications after surgery. She’s doing good but any prayers would be awesome. It’s got me thinking a lot about family and life and kids and work and all the things that make up my world.

For the rest of the summer I will be blogging when I can but I can not promise sneak peeks like I usually do. Instead I am going to enjoy spending time with my kids while they are still little enough to actually WANT to spend time with me. I’m going to hang out with my husband who is gone most of the school year. I’m going to be supportive to Terri as she recovers. I’m going to spend as much time at the lake as possible watching my kids dock jump. I’m going to master water skiing. I’m going to work and shoot and edit like I always do so I get galleries up on time. I’m going to work on some new marketing. I’m going to finish our summer to do list. I’m going to try to answer emails quickly but if it takes me a few days I’m not going to feel badly about it.

Sitting here all day watching Terri made me realize that while my business is important and working hard for my clients is paramount, ultimately I do not have a life or death job. If I’m a week late or slow to answer emails it’s not going to hurt anyone. The surgeons that worked on T have a life or death job. I take photos.

My job and this business are incredibly important to me but so is my life. And right now I just feel like my kids and my family need me. And for one of the first times ever I’m going to devote as much of myself to them as possible. With my computer off as much as I can!

I mean look at these little faces!

And look at those totally imperfect photos! Balancing kids and camera was harder than I thought! HA!

Basically, I guess I’m just asking for patience and understanding while I enjoy the rest of my summer! Like a normal mom! I do have more sneak peeks coming and more of my kids+our adventures! I just have no idea when they will pop up here!