There are parts of Chris being a teacher that are HARD. I wish he made millions because he deserves it. I wish he didn’t have to work 16+ hour days during soccer season (for no extra pay). I wish the stress he is constantly under was eased a bit. I wish he was here to help me more. But the parts of his job that make up for all the hard parts are bigger and better. Like the lives he touches every day. Every single day. And the parents who support him. The great wins on the field and in the classroom. Oh. And all the little random days off he gets throughout the year. And summer break. Around here we LIVE for Summer Chris!

Luckily, Summer Chris pops out every once in a while on days like President’s Day. It’s right before soccer starts and during a four day weekend. It’s always a really great day at our house! Random, but great!

This year we started our day off with some time at Laumeier Sculpture Park with some good friends. Eric teaches with Chris and they have become some of our best friends! Unfortunately his wife, Jen, had to work so she missed out (which is why I’m posting these b/c I know she’ll love them!) but we always joke that SOMEONE has to work to support us all! She’s an amazingly brilliant pediatrician!

Anyway, these are random but so joyful to me! I love these kids and these fun family days we get!

Eric and Phoebe. She is one of my favorite kids!

Allison, Parker, Phoebe and Bailey… I’m not sure how all of our friends have all GIRLS!

Poor Gray is almost always the lone boy. The kids loved the “boat” and he thought it was awesome to “row”!

C hates HATES hates getting his photo taken so if he sees me he usually gets mad. This time, however, I think he was just thinking maybe? I have no idea but I love this shot for some reason!

Eric was up on the hill with Chris and I BEGGED them to let me take a photo of them together. Of course they couldn’t be serious. It was hysterical and I’m not sure what they were trying to do but everyone was laughing so hard this was the best shot I got! My husband has the best laugh!

I was loving the moody sky so I asked Eric to toss Phoebe in the air… and then this happened…

First Eric tossed her to Chris. And then she went back again!

These make me laugh so hard because Jen is super against trampolines (I’m sure ALL doctors are!) and I can’t imagine this is much safer! But the kid had a blast and it made for fun photos! HA!

We are so blessed with our friends. We are surrounded by families that are more family than friends and I love that. These guys are no exception!