Because MAN I sure do!
I am CONSTANTLY coming up with BRILLIANT ideas in the shower. Like, curing cancer kids of great ideas! Ok, maybe just ideas for the next session we have or posing ideas or whatever BUT STILL. In MY world they are brilliant!
Anyway, I tweeted something yesterday about getting a great idea in the shower, or something, and someone picked up on it and told me about THIS!
I totally NEED this!
Don’t you just LOVE Twitter?
And on a separate but related topic, let me ask you this:
When is the las time you washed your feet? I mean like, bent down and got them all good and sudsy?
Because when I was up in Wisconsin the topic somehow came up and I confessed to my sister+mom that I only wash parts of my body! I start with my hair, then my face, then I do my armpits/chest/nether regions, shave my pits and DONE. Maybe every other week or so I hit up my legs with a razor (poor Chris!). But I figure, I guess, that parts like my stomach and feet and elbows or whatever have soapy water running over them the whole time so they’re fine!
Well, my sweet mother was TOTALLY DISGUSTED! She could not believe me AND my sister, who admitted the same thing, didn’t wash every square inch of our bodies! And I would blame it on the fact that I get 3 solid minutes to shower because of my kids, but I don’t think I ever cared much about my feet.
Is that gross? Are Abbie and I off our rockers? Abbie are you going to kill me for letting the internet know you don’t wash your feet? HA!
Would LOVE to hear your shower habits!
I think the reason you come up with all your great ideas in the shower is b/c that is the ONLY time all day that you don’t have three kids hanging on your legs and needing you.
PS. I do wash my feet (between my toes even) daily. Maybe it is b/c I only have one kid 🙂
I can’t believe _this_ is the post I’m finally commenting, having meant to comment so many times before, but— Yes, I do wash my feet, one swipe per foot bottom with the soapy pouf. In the summer, when I wear sandals, I often wash them with warm water and soap in the sink during the day, because they feel dusty and dirty. BUT– I think the soapy water flow probably does a good job. And, I love that you listed your whole routine: I start with my face, and then hair, and then body. But I don’t shave in the winter, I just keep my downy blonde legs, which end up soft, and not dehydrated. (Can’t believe I shared all of this!)
This is a hilarious “blog conversation” and I wish more women had chimed in on the issue. I also can’t believe that my real life confessions are making it to the blog! Not sure if I should be terrified or honored!! But no, I don’t frequently wash my feet, behind my ears or my belly button. I just don’t ever remember; admittedly kind of gross I guess.
I start with the shampoo, then any shaving that is going to happen, then the conditioner (but I don’t rinse it out right away), then wash the body, rinse the conditioner and finally wash the face.
I love this topic and I am so going to bring it up at the Girl’s Night I am having tonight. I do NOT intentionally wash my feet, I feel as though everything drains down that way anyway so it would just be redundant to really scrub them.
i don’t wash mine in the shower, but i sometimes wash them in the sink… i can’t go to bed with crunchy feet.
i’m a spot-washer, too. i figure i’m as clean as i need to be!
My feet are one of the areas I hit up daily (or as often as I shower, which is certainly not daily), but Jason thinks like you do and assumes the soapy water takes care of his feet. Wasn’t there a whole Seinfeld about this? You’re not alone.
I’m in the feet washing camp. I’m so anti-shoe that my feet often need a good pumice stone scrubbing. I start with shampoo’ing and conditioning my hair, leaving the conditioner in while I do face, body, feet. Shaving happens when I have more than 3 minutes to shower, or it gets bad… LOL
definitely love the shower notes. i like to have my bible memory verse on the wall in the shower, it’s the only consistent time I can manage to do it. currently i use maddie’s tub crayons, but that just gets gross by the end of the week! I’m so ordering some of those!
as for the shower thing, i love being in the hot water, i will wash every square inch, and brush my teeth just to stand in there longer. i have disgusting feet, like boy feet, so i have to scrub them every day! sometimes in the summer, with sandals, they are so gross i even hike them into the sink for a quick wash between showers! haha.
I admit I am an obsessive washer. I wash hair first, then put in conditioner, shave pits every day, legs (once a week in winter, more frequently in summer) then scrub from neck to toes with the soapy pouf (including behind the ears, and bottoms of feet). Then, wash face and rinse everything. I think I have a soap/cleanliness obsession. I have to shower every morning, and if I work out in the evening I repeat the whole thing before bed. I actually think that makes me sound nuttier than you and Abbie not washing your feet. 😉
When I read this post in my Reader I had to comment. This is such a fun and personal post. I love the shower notes idea – it seems it’s about time someone came up with that! Ha. But onto the feet washing debate. I have to admit that I am in the same boat as you and your sister. I don’t make a point of scrubbing my feet. I just figure they get lots of sudsy action from all the run-off, but I think my back kind of gets the short end of the stick as well since I can hardly reach it. I sometimes remember to use my long scrubby brush to wash it, but otherwise I only get the ends of it I can reach. 😛 I hope this doesn’t gross anyone else out either.
Like others though, I do stick my feet in the sink when I have been doing a lot bare-footing (is that a word – it should be!) haha since they can get pretty grimy. Eek. What does that say about my floors? LOL
That is awesome! I need one that works in my sleep though! I swear I have great ideas in my dreams. 🙂