Oh man oh man! I feel it! It’s coming… slowly but surely… the weather is warming up and the sun is out!

We have a senior session later today and I can’t wait! Great light, warm temps (50’s), beautiful sky and a gorgeous girl!

You have no idea how happy I am to feel spring in the air… it seriously lightens my mood and makes ALL the difference!

Before we shoot Becca I’m taking the kids to the transportation museum here in St. Louis… I’ve never been there so I’m excited to see all the trains! And get the kids running around! Then “new Abby” (Kim’s daughter) is watching my kiddos while we work AND THEN the kids are going to my inlaws so C and I can have DATE NIGHT!

OMG we need this! And for us, date night on a budget is eating hotdogs at the Webster basketball game! HA! We’re such nerds! But we’re cheering hard for the WG to bring home another state championship this year!

Wow. Can you tell this day is making me all kinds of excited? HA!

Also wanted to share with you guys a book I just finished of some of our favorite newborns…

here’s the cover…

And this is the first inside page…

and this is the back cover…

and here are a couple pages…

We’ll let you know what we’re doing with the book once it’s here! Just sent off for it this morning!

Alright! Have a GREAT Saturday!