Wow it feels good to be HOME after 9 days in the hospital with Parker! THANK YOU to everyone that has prayed for her, sent meals/gift cards or helped in any other way… I can’t tell you how much our family appreciated everything you’ve done for us. And although my life will be intense for a few more weeks while Parker is on IV meds 5 hours a day, at least we’re home and I can start to try to get back to a routine.

And part of that routine is blogging here again!

I’ve been blogging HERE and will continue to update you on all things Allen family there but today I’m excited to get back in the Fresh Art saddle!

AND I’m starting the week out with an awesome AWESOME announcement!

Kim and I are coming up on a year of working together and we couldn’t be happier with how things are going. We LOVE working with each other and feel so blessed to be able to grow this little business together! In the last 10 months we have become great friends as well as business partners… as evidenced by how much she helped me survive last week in the hospital! (Thanks Kim!)

SO, in order to celebrate our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY we are offering a discount on our newborn sessions!

But before I tell you the awesome savings we’re giving you take a quick look at some of our very VERY first Fresh Art babies!

Still can’t believe we got to take little Maggie to the city! HA!


IF YOU ARE DUE IN JULY (the month we started Fresh Art) you will receive 50% off your session fee! That means you get a maternity session, a newborn session and 25 birth announcements for $250!!!

IF YOU ARE DUE IN JUNE OR AUGUST you will receive 25% off your session fee!

This is an awesome deal and we are excited to get back outside with these babies! We have a few babies due any day now but love looking ahead to those HOT HOT HOT months when newborns LOVE being outside and naked!

Email us asap to get your due date on our calendar but this discount will not expire until the end of August!


ps… if you emailed me, Jodie, in the last two weeks it is lost in the mass of support emails I’ve gotten about Parker… I am working to dig myself out but please email me again if I haven’t gotten back to you! Thanks! The next few weeks are going to be a slow road at our house and I appreciate all the patience you’ve offered me while I work to get back in the swing of things!