I have been lost every single time I get in my car on this trip. I’m not sure what it is about Louisville but I simply can not find my way around town! But the other day, while lost, I just embraced the back roads and had fun!

It reminded me of traveling as a kid. My dad was constantly driving on private property to catch an incredible sunset or to see deer or to follow an eagle. We were always worried some crazy man with a shot gun would greet us but to my knowledge, we never got in trouble.

I am the polar opposite b/c EVERY SINGLE TIME I trespass I get kicked out!

Like this photo… one of my favorites from the trip…

I was squatting down snapping away when I noticed a SWARM of white trucks speeding towards me. I stood up, confused, until I saw a MASSIVE state prison behind them! I had no idea I was on their property as it was just cornfields and wires all around. But somehow I missed MANY obvious signs when I pulled over to capture this photo and they nicely asked me to leave!

Oh the adventures I find!

Although the guilt of leaving the kids with my parents for so many days is killing me, driving the other day and shooting whatever I wanted is just what I needed. Not to mention the hotel room all to myself where I can get work done  and just be ALONE! This little break was much much needed! Thanks to everyone back home caring for the kids and taking care of the house!