Have I introduced you to my new AMAZING assistant? No?

SO many of you know Amy Beachy and so you know how lucky I am to have her! She has been an answer to prayer and has done more to get my tush organized than anyone! She’s putting up with my crazy disorganized house (the wrapping station used to be in the basement but the basement is gutted right now so we’re both crammed into my tiny office), the daily mess that is my life, my foul mouth (I curse WAY too much) and the hectic way I run this business because let’s be honest… artists as business owners can be a mess! But as always, she’s handling it all, me included, with grace and I appreciate that so much!

We met up last Friday on the best day of winter so far (I think the temps hit 60 and now we’re in the teens!) and just took a few shots of her two youngest… nothing earth shattering but MAN are her kids cute! And sometimes just a few minutes is all you need for some updated shots of your kids!

Have a great Wednesday!