Today was our Christmas play at church. We got there early so we were sure to be on time. I stood in the choir room with the other young moms chatting about cute Christmas clothes on all the little ones while we watched our children practice. I helped make sure everyone got where they needed to be. All of us watched out for each others kids, catching a stray and pointing them in the right direction. I sat in the pew with Chris surrounded by my parents, my in-laws and our best friends. All of our friends. And our friend’s parents. I watched Bailey, as Queen Lucia, walk down the aisle proudly in a beautiful dress we borrowed from the Dunn’s wearing the “crown” that a few moms helped me make at yesterday’s play practice. I beamed as Gray and PJ sang with all the other cherub choir members at the front of the church, “Mary Had a Baby.” And I cried.

I cried because I was so proud of my kids. Of all of our kids. Tears sprang to my eyes as my Queen walked past me, when Kate threw gifts as St. Nicholas and when the big girls nailed their dance. And I always cry when little Owen sings his solo. I am just as proud of my friend’s kids as I am my own. They are growing up so so fast!

And as I sat there with happy tears on my cheeks I realized that there might be Christmas Plays in Newtown that were canceled today. There are parents wishing they had been up late making sure costumes were clean and who had to get up early today to be on time to church. As the days go by I am finding myself more and more heartbroken for the families in Connecticut.

I don’t know anyone in Newtown but my prayers are constantly with them. Our entire church prayed this morning. There is no comfort I can offer those families but as I watched all the amazing kids in our church today put on the Christmas Play they’ve worked so hard on I wished so hard those parents could be where I was today. That their biggest worry was hoping their child remembered her lines. I hate that it takes a tragedy of this proportion to remind me about what’s most important but I am thanking God constantly for my three beautiful kids, for all the kids in our life and our wonderful family. Our flood looks like the stupidest and smallest inconvenience ever and I am counting my blessings that that’s the worst thing on my plate right now!

I know we’re all holding our kids tighter this weekend. C’s Grandpa bought us a new trampoline and after naps Chris is going to surprise the kids and let them help him put it together. I’m so glad that we’ve had two great family days this weekend… it’s just what we needed!

I hope you all had a good weekend with your families also!