Oh man am I behind in sneak peeks! Family bike rides, lots of time at the pool, BBQs with friends, time at the lake, yard sales with my girls and SO many sessions lately have kept me super busy recently! The first week of summer has been all kinds of awesome! Lots of personal photos to share once I get caught up a little with client sneak peeks! Or maybe I’ll go back and forth so I make sure to keep up with our personal photos because ultimately clients do always come first but if I get too far behind in my own stuff that will never get done either! Oh how the cobbler never had good shoes or whatever! HA!

So a couple of weeks ago I had a great session with Janet, BJ and Noah… luckily it was before this intense heat hit St. Louis! MAN has it been hot this week! Anyway, Noah was so sweet but SO busy! We all just kind of chased him around! Which is totally what you do with little boys! The funniest part was that when we finally got him to sit down I needed mom and dad to do something to make him giggle so I asked them to do something Kim and I do when we shoot together… we pretend to beat each other up! HA! So BJ starts to pretend hit Janet and she’s over-reacting perfectly because Noah is cracking up which is perfect for me! Until we stop and Noah decides HE should hit Mommy! Totally taught that kid a super bad habit without even thinking about it! Sorry BJ and Janet! I hope the images help you forgive me!

And baby #2 is on the way! Doesn’t she look amazing?

Thanks so much Crombeen family! I hope you guys have a great summer!

So much more to come friends! Happy Memorial Day!