I was going through spring break photos hoping to get them all edited and blogged before Christmas when I came across the few I shot on the morning we went swimming at the kid’s Great Grandparent’s pool (at their retirement center). And I started totally cracking up!
There were several times over our break that I just wanted to get a stupid “all stand together and smile” photo. Something quick to prove we were somewhere I guess? I so rarely make my kids do that it was strange I made them do it so often that week. We went swimming towards the end of the week and I guess, without me noticing, Bailey had been perfecting her pose! HA!
Isn’t that hysterical? HA!
Swimming was so great because their Great Grandparents were there watching, they got to swim with Bubba (their Grandpa) and Bill’s brother, Uncle John (who was visiting from Australia where he lives with his family). The kids had a blast and I did too! Even though I meant I was in a swimsuit!
Besides the games of catch, the laughing, the posing and just being there with C’s awesome family (minus Chris who was still traveling with his soccer team) the funniest part of the whole swim was watching Parker! That kid can swim like a fish but the entire time she does it looks like she’s drowning! Her face barely stays out of the water! Just her nose! I love it!
Oh and she carried her tiger most of the time too! Man I love my kids!
Haha Bailey’s pose is hilarious! The kids will LOVE these pictures when they are older! It is such a shame we can’t take photo’s at swimming pools in the UK 🙁 These are just too cute!
I think Grayson trying to imitate her is pretty funny too!