Kim and I love donating mini (and sometimes full) sessions to local charities when they have auctions or trivia nights or whatever they’re doing to raise money. It’s a great way for us to give back, raise money for a good cause and meet up with a family we might otherwise not have known. We do so many per year that usually by the end of winter we’ve been asked so many times we have to start saying no but we do love donating them!

Mini sessions are a great way for families to get all their images on a high-res disk, spend less time trying to get kids to smile but still get some great shots! If a full session isn’t in your budget this year a mini session is a great alternative!

This was such a fun family session! The boys were hysterical and so great to spend a morning with! AND they brought us fresh strawberries from their garden! How great is that?

Heather and Lance bought the gift card at the K-Life Trivia Night which is an amazing Christian organization for kids… totally something we are proud to support! AND if you are a mom seeking some awesome teaching this summer Heather is in charge of Greentree Community Church’s Moms and More summer program and ALL are welcome! I went last summer and learned SO much amazing teaching. AND I’ve been asked to teach one of their “snippets” which is a quick 10 min lesson before the talk starts each night so if you feel like hearing me chat away about photography you should come too!

And before I call it quits for the night and hunker down to watch my SHOWS Heather said I just had to post this shot! SO funny!

Happy Grey’s finale night!