These guys are some of our best friends! We go to church together, Eric and Chris teach together at WGHS and little Phoebe is my BEST friend! HA! I love that kid and if someone asks her who her best friend is she says ME! I love that! And big sister Alison is a good friend of Bailey’s. All of our kids play together great actually! I think that’s what cements our friendship… that we ALL get along so well. It’s hard to find another family you can fit in with so seamlessly.

I’m not sure how other photographers do it but I love to gift little sessions to my friends and family. No charge. So I met the Dunn’s for a FAST and COLD session recently and it was just enough! It was cold and windy but so full of joy! Would it have been great to take them to a crazy unique location with no wind so the girls could have perfect hair and pose them all as if for a magazine ad? Not really! I love the simplicity of the blanket on a hill top, kids being kids and families just playing together. I’m not sure you need anything else!

Jen and Eric you guys know we love you! Happy sneak peek friends!