We LOVE our baby planners! We have a little one year old (Happy Birthday a day late Gretchen!) graduating next week and last weekend we got to meet up with Grace, Emma and Jack who are not only sitting up but crawling all over the place now! A HUGE change from the babies we saw just a few months ago!

We love our baby plan babies so much we JUST changed around our baby plan to be more affordable and more accommodating for our clients! Email if you’re interested as it can only be booked now with a newborn session!

And now on to the Freeman triplets’ sitting up photos!

Aren’t they cute? Their big brothers were there too!

And of course, since they were there, we got some of the whole family! You would have died if you’d seen what I had to do to get all five kids to look at me! HA!

Right? OMG you would have died. Jumping ON TOP of Kim’s head basically! HA! Anything for the shot! And THIS shot is screaming canvas isn’t it?

And although it’s just the girls… I had to share this one b/c it’s just too darn cute not to share!

But THIS one is my favorite from the day! Jack just was NOT having it and refused to do anything but cry every time we set him on the ground so towards the end of the shoot we got creative and had Angie hold him so Kim could shoot creatively around her and just grab him. All I did was step back for a second and I’m so glad I thought to snap this! It is SO what a session with five young kids looks like! HA!

Thanks Angie and Brendan! It is always SO great to hang out with your sweet family! Although I will fully admit that I’m nervous about the triplets’ WALKING session at a year! HA!