I JUST said I wasn’t going to get sneak peeks up but sitting here at the hospital for 8 hours I got this one done for Julie!

Her boys were AWESOME! It was a HOT morning and we were in full sun a lot of the time but they were such troopers! They ran and played and were so great!

A big thanks to Julie and her boys for handling the heat so well! It was a fun morning!

I hope everyone has an amazing Fourth of July tomorrow! We’re walking in our town’s parade in the MILLION degree heat so that should be fun! HA! Oh and no fireworks b/c of drought. Also fun. Instead we’re hanging with our neighbors, my parents and my parent’s neighbor’s at my mom+dad’s house and that WILL be fun! Sparklers here we come!

Sorry about my last post… sitting here all day has just really had an impact on me I think. Like no matter what I had on my calendar for today I was willing to drop it to spend the day in one hospital room with my second mom. When health issues arise it just makes everything else seem trivial you know?