Tomorrow is Parker’s last day of preschool and Bailey’s last day of first grade. I’m not super emotional YET but only because I think I’m just super excited! Bailey just loves school more and more each year and I have no doubt next year will be just as good and PJ, well, she is SO ready for Kindergarten! That kid is going to LOVE school I think and I am thrilled for her. I’m also excited for summer because that is the season the Allen family thrives. Chris and I are both home a ton and for the first time since school/coaching started in August we’re together as a family a lot. It’s so amazing I can’t even describe it.

But pulling out of school today I noticed Bails was pretty quiet. And just sort of zoned out. That kid has such a huge heart and is already worrying she will miss Mrs. Eaton too much over the summer, that she’s not going to see her friends enough and that she might not get the teacher she’s absolutely in love with. Her little brain was on overdrive on the way home as she thought about tomorrow being her last day of first grade. I quietly pulled the car to a stop sign and with no one behind me I quickly grabbed my camera, turned and shot before she knew what was happening.

The last month or so it’s been a struggle for me to pick up my camera at home but I am SO glad I had it in the car with me today because for the first time, in a long time, I just HAD to capture this moment. My baby girl still looking little to me while big ideas and hopes and fears and dreams swirl through her head after a long day at school. Her hair in a knot like her momma (at her request mind you) with her whispy pieces curling around her face. The sweet dimple in her ear I loved when she was an infant and her high forehead just like mine.

I love this kid and everything she brings with her to my world. God has blessed us three times, right in a row and as they get bigger and bigger I’m finding myself more and more thankful. What a gift it is to be a parent. To love these kids with everything we have. To give to them and teach them and nurture them and just love on them until we send them out into the world to see what they can do. Leaving first grade a stronger reader, a better friend and an overall amazing kid is such a tiny piece of what she’ll do in her life. I can’t wait to sit back and enjoy the rest of the ride with her!