Rich and Evalyn had an incredible two day wedding that we were SO honored to be a part of! It started Friday night at Evalyn’s mom’s house in her gorgeous back yard.

They got so lucky with the weather (both days actually!) it was all we could talk about! And I loved how intimate the actual ceremony was but then how much fun their reception was Saturday night (those photos coming soon!). Anyway, it was all pretty fantastic which is NO surprise if you know these two at all!

Congratulations Rich and Evalyn! We are SO excited for you guys and can’t wait to show you all of your other photos! TWO more wedding posts coming soon… next is their first look from Saturday night! It gets its own post because it was so awesome! Then the rest of Saturday night will come last! A two day affair definitely deserves three posts don’t you think?


Happy Wednesday everyone! I’m off to a sweet little mini session this morning and then EDITING this afternoon and then a date with my husband tonight! We NEED a minute away from these kiddos so we are pretty excited!

OH and I’m going to be announcing a few things soon… senior mini sessions, back to school mini sessions and the next Fresh Class! And if I can get my act together another round of boudoir minis! Please keep your eye on my FB page to be the first to see those announcements! ALSO… fall is starting to fill up already! So if you want to get in in Sept/Oct for a family full or mini session PLEASE email me soon!