We just had the coolest Sunday ever! We had a huge surprise for my parents and I can’t wait to share the photos with you! We called it “Merry Birthiversary” because we combined their birthdays, 35th anniversary and Christmas all in one big surprise gift/experience! It was so incredible my head is still spinning, my heart is still so full and my hands are still cold! HA! Being outside for six hours and I can’t warm up!

Since I have too many REAL photos to edit it may take me a few days to get to these but oh I can’t wait to show you what we did! For now, enjoy this beautiful family of four after they welcomed their little Josephine into the world! Can you imagine having TWO adorable red heads? Perfection!

With a wide awake newborn and a busy two year old this was one crazy session! But oh this family just melted my heart! So much love in their home! Thanks for inviting me in!