I feel like it’s been a while since I had a sneak peek up here which is SAD because I have lots to share! I have so many sessions to finish this week and luckily Kim told me to try American Horror Story on Netflix and MAN it’s creepy! But it has my tush glued to my desk chair working away b/c the pace is so fast and it’s so scary I just keep working! HA! I got through September and October’s rush watching The Walking Dead and hopefully this show will get me through this week at least! Anyone else have shows that are just ADDICTING? I need something that makes you want to watch show after show so I ignore my aching back and cramping fingers!

What’s funny to me is that I’m editing sweet families and adorable newborns to the scariest show I’ve ever seen! And this family was so so sweet! They just moved here from the west coast and it was great to have a connection to Spokane with them! We love our home but we really loved Spokane too!

More to come! Maybe even later tonight!