HI! It feels so good to get back in the saddle! Still doing mostly family stuff but today I actually cleaned off my desk and got some work done too.. feels good!

This year I’m doing the One Little Word challenge and class… I’m SO excited but I haven’t chosen a word yet and it’s driving me crazy! Any ideas? MOVE keeps coming to mind but it also kind of depresses me! HA! For 2013 I want to be more intentional in my goal setting, more disciplined in certain areas (eating, blogging, running the business, exercise, etc.) and I want to allow myself to rest more (remembering that I can just shut the computer and work off each night if I want to since I can be a total workaholic). But no single word is popping to my head or heart.

I’m also going to attempt Project Life! My mom is giving me some money towards it as a Christmas gift and I can’t wait to sit down and figure out which one I want. I think i want the Seafoam Kit! I sit at my desk so much working on other family’s memories that I am working hard to make 2013 more intentional in keeping track of our own memories. A couple of hours a week for US is a good plan for this coming year I think!

Speaking of capturing memories… another goal for 2012 is to get Kim out here to capture my family AT HOME. I want us in our jammies just hanging out. Playing Yahtzee (the girl’s new favorite game) or having a Bey Blade contest (Gray’s fav!). Trampoline football and dinner around our table. Reading books before bed and getting jammies on in front of the fire. I want our LIFE captured even if I’m a good 30lbs overweight, my gray hair is coming in faster than I can count and I have more zits now than I did at 15. It’s not about ME it’s about US and to my kids I’m beautiful. I have to remember that.

Because I so desperately want my family captured like that it makes sessions like this more sweet to me….

A sweet family at home with their favorite little man!

Are you guys thinking about goals for the coming year or pieces of your life to focus on more? I’d love to hear!