Kim and I will have the final say but we’d love to hear from you! AND if the popular vote is different than ours we just might give something to that winner as well! We will be voting based on technical skills and if you feel qualified to vote based on that as well we’d love to hear from you, but if you want to just vote based on which one represents SPRING the best please vote as well! We’re trying this new polling system so please don’t leave a comment or it won’t be counted, you will need to pop over to the blog from your Reader to vote!
Annie: (she said she didn’t have official signs of spring yet but this made her feel warm and sunny! ha!)
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I vote for warmer days and spring fun! It is great to get outside and explode a bottle of soda. Awesome!
There are so many pictures that I love, but the soda bottle one made me crack up! Great moment captured =)
Love Donna’s photo. The cubbie one is a familiar sight around this house. Can’t tell you how often I find the computer left on a cub related site! And I would LOVE to know the story behind the exploding bottle of soda, DO TELL!
@abbie, If you drop a package of Mentos into a bottle of coke that is what happens. :0)