Tina and I have “known” each other for over a year via the internet but the other night we finally got to meet! It’s always so awesome to meet someone you’ve talked to for so long online! And of course Tina was adorable!

Now Kim and I usually tend to like shooting in more urban areas. We like the roughness, the color, the texture, the uniqueness. We like when we find an area in the city we know no one has ever been before and we LOVE pushing the envelope a little! But Tina and Jason are country at heart and wanted a more natural location. So rather than meet at a generic park I had them meet us out in the country where we had scouted a farm owned by Steve. Steve ended up being our hero! He let us have the run of his farm, he let us use his things for props and he actually gave Kim and I am AWESOME prop for our babies! It really was an amazing location so if anyone wants to go “natural” we may just be calling Steve again!

Tina and Jason… I hope you guys had fun and didn’t loose too much water weight since it was SO hot that night! We had a blast and can’t to meet little Landon!