She’s been waiting six and a half LONG years but the day is finally here! The day she’s been praying about for at least a year. The one she talks about constantly. The day she asked the dentist about last month. The one she can’t stop giggling about she’s so excited!

That’s right! She has her first LOOSE TOOTH! HA!

This kid has been DESPERATE to lose a tooth since last year in Kindergarten when her friends started losing theirs. If she’s anything like me she’s a late bloomer (not to mention she’s the youngest in her class) so I can’t wait to see how desperate she is for other, more womanly things, to come her way! HA!

This morning she was literally a little jumping bean of excitement! She called Aunt Abbie and Grandma to tell them, woke me up to tell me and as soon as it was time she ran outside to tell our neighbors!

It was so cute to see how excited her friends were for her! They are a super sweet bunch of little girl!

Heading off to school… my neighbor takes Bailey for me every morning which is so awesome!

The kid has never worn a side ponytail in her life but this morning she asked for one and said, “It’s a super special day Mommy and I want my hair special too!” HA! She couldn’t be a sweeter kid. Man I love her!

Can you imagine the big deal when that little thing falls out? HA!