Katie Mohr and I have been working on some ideas behind the scenes to launch in 2013. I’m super excited about them because she’s incredibly talented and more importantly, super fun to work with! I like anything that makes my job more fun than it already is!

We tried out our first two ideas last week on the day it jumped from 80 degrees to 50 degrees. In fact, it was only 39 when we shot. And of course it was my own kid and my nieces. Which means they weren’t going to cooperate that much anyway but NO 2 year old or 4 year old can cooperate when it’s that cold. I was so cold I could barely even care about what we were doing so it wasn’t their fault! Ugh. It was so frustrating because we worked hard on what we wanted, had just that one day to get it done and BAM! Mother nature comes in and destroys it.

So the ideas didn’t pan out like I would have hoped for. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t get any cute shots. It just means Katie and I need to go back to the drawing board!

Headbands by the amazing Greta at Gremadcha!

Man I love these girls!

More sneak peeks coming tomorrow hopefully! It’s not even 9pm and I just can’t sit here any longer so I’m heading to bed… hoping I feel more like myself tomorrow! Good night!