1. Thanks. Seriously. Your emails and comments have kept me from freaking out today. The kindness, prayers, offers of help, etc. People make fun of me for blogging sometimes and all I want to say to them is SUCK IT. Blogging is awesome and this is the perfect example. The people I’ve “met” enrich my life, and my family’s life, in ways I never could have expected when I started this blogging journey two and a half years ago. Thanks.
2. An update: They have now ruled out meningitis and are leaning more towards H1N1 but his lack of upper respiratory symptoms is puzzling. They have now done another flu swab and more blood work. He is still in pretty intense pain… headache and neck pain. No more fever and no more vomiting. The light is still bothering him so we’ve been sitting in the dark all day, me here at the computer catching up on THOUSANDS of blog posts and pretending to have the attention to work while he sleeps. Overall it’s great news the meningitis came back negative but frustrating they still don’t know much. Wishing we could go home. Missing the kids. Hating myself for basically missing Parker’s birthday. But glad we are in a place for C to get better. Praying better comes quick.
3. Thought today was a great time to do some link love!
4. Let’s start HERE which seems to be a new company with lots of cute ideas for the kind of party I will throw for Parker when I get home and have time. Even if that’s in December!
5. I love THIS post on Davina Fear’s blog! Perfect for me to read today.
6. When I can find time I am totally making this: HERE. Holy crap it is CUTE!
7. I love THESE vintage Christmas postcards! LOVE.
8. My Kick Ass necklace came from HERE and I’ve bought a few Christmas gifts from there already. I love my necklace and love gifting people things I adore!
9. I really want THESE for Grayson this year for Christmas! Might just be next weeks purchase (I’ve been buying 1-2 Christmas gifts a week since August to break up the cost and I’m ALMOST done!)
10. Another possible must have this Christmas under the tree is from THIS store… i LOVE handmade toys!
11. Growing up my mom always bought us one ornament a year so that when we grew up we’d have the start to our Christmas tree. I’ve started that tradition with my kids and one of them might get THIS for this year as I adore it… or maybe I just get it!
12. I wanted one of THESE last year and think I will get it this year for Parker…who is my little artist!
13. This is turning into a Christmas shopping post! HA! Totally unintentional!
14. I love to see my kid’s names on everything but THESE are pretty darn cute!
15. Last but not least… we have amazing clients who appreciate the work we do and understand that our prices are not unreasonable for our art… but we do at times get people that question our pricing. Which we understand b/c we don’t claim to be the cheapest photographers on the block. We hope to be the best. And when I read THIS article I realized that we are doing the right thing but also have a long way to go to actually make money. I think most people assume we pocket all the money we make. But we don’t. A huge chunk goes to Uncle Sam plus we spend a lot just to run the business. Anyway, if you are at all interested in learning more about WHY we charge what we charge or if you are thinking about going into photography yourself… read THIS first!!! It’s scary and insightful but so so true! My favorite part is when she talks about what you pay for other things… like the flat screen tv or the computer you’re reading this on. In the end of your life your photos will mean a whole heck of a lot more than your tv or computer. What is the one thing you’ll run into a burning house for (assuming your family is outside)? Your photos. Period. Love this article!
16. Hospitals run SOOOOOO SLOW! WTH? We’ve been waiting for over an hour for our update I asked to have immediately so I could know if I can go to dinner with the kids or not. All I want to do is go home and cuddle with my kiddos. All I can do is sit here and wait for slow-ass doctors to tell us what’s wrong. I’m frustrated. For sure. So before I take a turn for the negative I will leave you to waste time looking at all these fun links! HA!
Sooo glad it isn’t meningitis… continuing to pray for you and Chris.
SUPER excited it’s not meningitis!!! keep your spirits up. doctors are trained to be slow. that means they get paid more….. 🙂
So glad to hear it’s not meningitis. But it would be nice to know…sorry you are stuck in the waiting-for-those-dang-doctors mode. Thanks for all of the links – can’t wait to read the one about pricing!
WOW! I’m glad it’s not meningitis but that has to be so stressful for all of you! Keep us posted…
Oh geesh! I don’t check in for two days and this is what happens!? OK, sending you loads of prayers and well wishes!! Hang in there my dear…..(hugs)
My prayers are with you guys! What a scary experience. I hope that C is on a quick road to recovery. XOXO Kim
Hoping for a speedy and quick recovery for your hubby! And don’t worry about missing your daughter’s birthday. As you probably know, they live in the moment so if you manage to celebrate her birthday late, she will be just as happy as if you had her birthday party this weekend. Wishing you all the best!
Hoping for a speedy and quick recovery for your hubby! And don’t worry about missing your daughter’s birthday. As you probably know, kids live in the moment so if you have to celebrate her birthday late, she will be just as happy as if you had her birthday party this weekend. Wishing you all the best!
Jodie, how awful for you. You and Chris are in my prayers. I hope by the time you read this they can tell what is going on and that Chris will be put on a read to recovery. Love you guys a bunch. Aunt Ouisie