Yesterday was Gray’s first day in the Yellow Room at our awesome preschool and he did great! I was nervous because just talking about school starting at dinner on Sunday night sent him into hysterics! The more I tried to get him excited to more upset he got so Chris kept saying, “just STOP TALKING Jod!” HA! I was totally making it worse. So much to my surprise he walked right in, hung up his backpack, gave me a hug and went to start playing. SO easy. SO not what I was expecting!

Then when I picked him up he told me, “I had a miserable time Mommy.” HA! He’s four! Miserable in four-year old speak means that his friend made him use a truck he didn’t want! So funny! We talked this morning about what compromise means so hopefully today he will figure out all this truck business and have a good day!

With Gray in school now it means that I have M-Th from 9am-3pm with NO kids. Coming into the busiest time of year means that I just might not want to kill someone by mid-October but we’ll see! Fall for photographers is HARD because we’re on the “I NEED THIS BY CHRISTMAS” deadline! I kind of love it and I think I’m one of the only people that doesn’t really cap off her sessions… I sort of thrive on the chaos and crazy! HA! Chris will cringe if he reads that but it’s totally true! I love being busy and shooting all the time. I even love the late night editing sessions I put myself through… if only my shows would start back up and I’d have some good tv to watch while I work!

Anyway… I have to post the “first day of school” photos for my Grayman or what kind of momtog would I be?!

My mom and I took the kids to Old Navy a few weeks ago to pick out their first day of school outfits and this horrible shark shirt is ALL Grayson wanted! He didn’t want cute new shorts to go with it, he didn’t want a nice sweet shirt or even a Batman or superhero shirt. He wanted to wear an old pair of beat up shorts with this scary shark shirt. BOYS!

The girls were so sweet and wanted to do photos with Gray but of course Gray wasn’t so interested! Luckily they had him laughing enough he didn’t get mad because MAN can that kid get moody! (Bailey’s new FAVORITE headband is by Lilian.Grace!)

I love to watch my girls love him. They do it so easily and completely. Always forgiving if he upsets them and always watching out for him as his little momma hens! I have learned more about love from watching my kids be siblings then from anywhere else I think. It amazes me daily and know that we got super lucky in this one dept!

I love that Parker has started every week of school with that same outfit! It’s her current favorite!

He LOVES his new backpack! Pottery barn is expensive in my opinion but I do love their quality for backpacks!

Gray’s whole world is wrapped up in Batman, sharks, cars, DogDog, karate and any kind of “fighting bad guys”! I kind of love four year old little boys! He’s so rough and tumble but then loves to cuddle more than anything a split second later. This kid has me totally wrapped around that little grin!

Hope you guys are having a great start to your week!