Jan 14, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday, exploring missouri
I haven’t posted a personal post in MONTHS! Trying to keep up with my clients is my top priority but you guys know we love to hike so I thought I’d share this recent hike we took! We’ve done Valley View Glades before and it’s for sure one of...
Dec 24, 2016 | allen family
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Oct 25, 2016 | allen family
This girl, who I’ve known and loved since she was born, got married! I took the kids out of school Thursday and we helped set up the reception site (Neo – and it was an AMAZING spot for a reception!). Somehow I didn’t get one photo of Bails but she...
Sep 6, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Yesterday we got to spend some time with cousins to celebrate my mom’s first cousin, Sally’s, 70th birthday and it was so much fun! My mom is an only child so her first cousins are like my aunts and uncles – we are way closer than most extended...
Aug 3, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
I love tv. And I watch a lot of it when I edit. Mostly I binge shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime but there are some shows I love to watch each week – America Pickers is one of those shows. All of us love Frank and Mike! So when we were visiting my sister over...
Jul 13, 2016 | allen family
When you embark on a new journey as a parent sometimes you can feel really alone. You can talk to your friends about what they’ve done or are going to do but each kid and family are so different it’s hard to find an exact right fit. You can check Pinterest...