Apr 18, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
One weekend we found ourselves with NO SOCCER for most of a Saturday! That’s a MIRACLE in spring in our house! SO what did we do before the evening game? Invited a bunch of kids over and let them all run around the yard for three hours! We have outside kids so...
Apr 15, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Our weekends are hectic. This past weekend Gray had 3 soccer games, Bailey had 2 and Parker had 1, Chris had a game plus a practice, we had two kids sleepover, etc. LOTS of running around – I used more than half a tank of gas in two days! It’s really why I...
Apr 13, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
A few weeks ago our cousins came to visit and we spent some time at C’s Grandpa’s pool! All the kids had a blast! Just a quick family share today!
Apr 5, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
This past weekend Chris took his high school team to Alabama for a tournament (they won undefeated!) and I took our kids to Overland Park, KS for Bailey’s soccer tournament! SO thankful my parents came along to allow us an extra bed in the hotel, parenting...
Mar 28, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
We had the best day yesterday! An amazing church service (if you couldn’t go ours will be streaming live today at noon!) and then lots of time with family and friends. Love it. Last week was kind of a bust work-wise because Chris had this random infection in his...
Feb 26, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
A few weeks ago Bailey’s fifth grade class got to go skiing at Hidden Valley Ski Resort and she had a blast! It was an all day field trip and then parents could come up for the last hour to watch their kids ski. My friend Kelly and I went up together and I was...