Oct 26, 2016 | Family Photography
Mr. Peanut, Mrs. Peanut and their little bag of peanuts! HAHA! I had so much fun laughing with these guys at their Halloween Mini Session! It was only fitting to shoot this at a baseball field! Peanuts after all!
Oct 25, 2016 | allen family
This girl, who I’ve known and loved since she was born, got married! I took the kids out of school Thursday and we helped set up the reception site (Neo – and it was an AMAZING spot for a reception!). Somehow I didn’t get one photo of Bails but she...
Oct 24, 2016 | Family Photography
I LOVE this little boy and can’t wait to meet his new baby brother coming soon!
Oct 21, 2016 | Family Photography
I shoot a lot of sunset sessions but I LOVE morning sessions almost even more! Kids are happiest in the mornings and in the right location the light is gorgeous!