WGGS | personal

WGGS | personal

Just wanted to share this – Chris took over the team in 2008 as head coach for the first time and since then has had 7 of the 10 top winning teams in program history (among other amazing records). When i think back on the ten years of coaching (1 season as JV...
Photo Walking | St. Louis Photography

Photo Walking | St. Louis Photography

Several weeks ago I went to Shaw Nature Reserve with my friend Nancy. We walked for exercise and to take photos. It was one of my favorite days this spring and has sparked a new found love of capturing flowers! I’m not very good yet but working on it! I went...
St. Louis Cake Smash Photography | Corinne Turns One

St. Louis Cake Smash Photography | Corinne Turns One

Another sweet baby graduating our Baby Plan! It is such a JOY to watch my client’s children grow up. Here she is as a newborn… And a giggling baby girl at her “sitting up” session… And now the sweetest one year old ever! Her mom got her...