May 16, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday, florals
I’ve been trying to walk everyday since drinking nothing but water for 3 months hasn’t helped me lose even one darn pound but I get BORED of my neighborhood. Even though it’s a cute neighborhood – after a while I need to go walk somewhere else!...
May 14, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Of course my Mother’s Day was spent at a soccer field! Bailey and Kate were born in different years (2005 and 2004) and youth soccer has changed the rules so next year we are age correcting Bailey. It was a HARD decision but because she’s kind of tiny we...
May 13, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Gray started a new sport this spring – baseball! He was iffy at best at first but now doesn’t put down his glove! There might not be anything cuter than a little boy in a baseball uniform! He wore his uniform to Bailey’s soccer game and tossed balls...
May 12, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Just wanted to share this – Chris took over the team in 2008 as head coach for the first time and since then has had 7 of the 10 top winning teams in program history (among other amazing records). When i think back on the ten years of coaching (1 season as JV...
May 12, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Last Friday night Bailey and the Edgar Road Music Makers sang Take Me Out To The Ballgame at the seventh inning stretch! It was so much fun! My sister’s family came in from Peoria to be a part of it all, my parents, C’s parents and his Aunt were all there...
May 11, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Several weeks ago I went to Shaw Nature Reserve with my friend Nancy. We walked for exercise and to take photos. It was one of my favorite days this spring and has sparked a new found love of capturing flowers! I’m not very good yet but working on it! I went...
Apr 29, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
We are SO proud of Chris and excited for next year but MAN we are going to miss being the “coach’s family” on the sidelines. I’m sure we will be at a lot of the games next year but it will be different. He’s been coaching at WGHS since we...
Apr 27, 2016 | baby photography, Family Photography
I LOVED meeting this family last week! Their little guy was SO sweet! By the end of the session he was in my arms and we were buddies! I LOVE that! Mom got crafty and made that cute #1! Seriously – the cutest! Sometimes I see other photographers ONLY offer their...
Apr 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Another sweet baby graduating our Baby Plan! It is such a JOY to watch my client’s children grow up. Here she is as a newborn… And a giggling baby girl at her “sitting up” session… And now the sweetest one year old ever! Her mom got her...
Apr 25, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
I wish I had a green thumb. I go for walks so I can pass my favorite yards and I almost crash my car oogling at gardens. I look on Pinterest for ideas and make sketches of my dreams for our yard. And then, when I have a moment of free time I NEVER chose to go out in...