Mar 29, 2016 | Family Photography
I’ve been capturing this family since the oldest was born and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! I just can’t get over SPRING this year! For some reason I am just DYING over these trees! Elliana loved them too! She and I picked a few blooms when we first got there and...
Mar 28, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
We had the best day yesterday! An amazing church service (if you couldn’t go ours will be streaming live today at noon!) and then lots of time with family and friends. Love it. Last week was kind of a bust work-wise because Chris had this random infection in his...
Mar 20, 2016 | baby photography, newborn
Hi friends! I am working on some newborn clothing for photo shoots with my mother-in-law who is insanely talented at the sewing machine. I’m SUPER excited about this because we can design our own looks, coordinate with headbands, wraps and other props we use,...
Mar 10, 2016 | baby photography
Proud Member of The #1 Community for Professional Newborn Photographers
Feb 26, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
A few weeks ago Bailey’s fifth grade class got to go skiing at Hidden Valley Ski Resort and she had a blast! It was an all day field trip and then parents could come up for the last hour to watch their kids ski. My friend Kelly and I went up together and I was...
Feb 25, 2016 | baby photography, baby plan
Have you seen that we’re now offering a Baby Plan? I’ve been booking them and it’s making me SO happy! HERE are the details! This little guy came in for his Sitting Up Mini Session and while smiles were hard to come by he was still so sweet! And the...
Feb 24, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
SO – you win some and you lose some. Just before Christmas my family decided it would be a good day for a hike but we didn’t want to go too far as it was Christmas Eve morning and we had church that afternoon. I checked our book and found one in...
Feb 23, 2016 | Children Photography
Enjoy these fun, spunky and adorable kids!
Feb 22, 2016 | baby photography, behind the scenes, Family Photography, newborn
I’ve been capturing this family since big brother was just a couple weeks old – before that even! Mom and dad were some of my very very first clients and they were dating with no kids. I will always remember that session because it was down in Soulard and...
Feb 21, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Sometimes we find a trail that we become OBSESSED with (Hughes Mountain is a current one for sure) and then there are others that we are glad we did but won’t ever go back. Indian Camp Creek looked AWESOME in the photos online and we will for sure go back to...