May 2, 2015 | baby photography, Children Photography, Family Photography, Fresh Art Studios, mini sessions
Back in early winter I had an idea for spring mini sessions that I had never seen before – which in the world of Pinterest is pretty shocking! Of course I called my dear friend Mary from Finch Vintage Rentals to share my idea and ask for help executing it!...
Jan 9, 2015 | baby photography, baby plan, cake smash, Children Photography, Family Photography, first birthday, Grandparent Mini Sessions, in home session, lifestyle photography, maternity, mini sessions, momma minis, newborn, one year
This year we are trying something new! We have put together a newsletter that will be mailed to your home! Who doesn’t love fun mail! To show you how great it is I decided to blog the first one instead of mail it – this way if you’re not on our...
Jan 7, 2015 | Children Photography, mini sessions
I am SO excited about these mini sessions! Mary Price from Finch Vintage has done it again and come up with the cutest set-up yet! My favorite part of this idea is that these photos will look great in your kitchen all year long not just on Valentine’s...
Sep 14, 2014 | Children Photography, mini sessions
Last weekend I got to work with SIXTEEN KIDS at our back-to-school mini sessions! I won’t lie – it was a lot and I was WIPED after the days were done but holy cow the kids were awesome! They were all so much fun! I laughed so hard (mostly at all the fart...
May 1, 2014 | Children Photography, Family Photography, mini sessions, momma minis
I am a mom. That means I don’t get enough sleep and survive on caffeine. It means laundry is the absolute bane of my existence. It means when you talk to me I will probably tell you all that I have to do that day/week/month not because I think you care, but because...