Ok ladies! I was at Target today and Christmas was all but gone and the Valentine decorations were coming out! That means it’s time to start thinking of doing something special for your hubby/boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever AND even more importantly something...
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the days leading up to the new year with your families! We’ve had awesome family time, fun play time, great hikes and more adventures to come this week while we both enjoy time off work. I’m...
Thanks to all of our sweet babies and wonderful families. Newborns are our passion and it has been such a pleasure+honor to get to photograph so many this year! Merry Christmas you guys! Enjoy every second you get with your friends and family this...
FIRST SOME BUSINESS. I have a few orders to get out (emails coming tomorrow night!) and I will still be answering emails (although not super fast) but everything else, the blog included, will be taking a break until after Christmas. I have gifts to make+buy still,...
In case you missed it, I just posted an album on our Facebook page with all of our 2011 sessions (not counting mini sessions, charity or freebies)! All you have to do is LIKE the photo you think should win and on December 26th I’ll announce the winner! The...
I just sat and watched Boys and Girls on Netflix (live streaming to our tv is magical!) while I finished editing this sneak peek. Was anyone else completely in love with Freddie Prinze when they were in high school? Anyone? Oh how I love finding my favorite movies...