Jun 11, 2015 | baby photography, baby plan, newborn
I’ve said this before and I will say it always – I love watching families grow! I met these guys when Oliver was just a few days old and now he’s a big brother! And just about the sweetest big brother ever! Look at how gorgeous Eleanor is! I am now...
May 8, 2015 | baby photography, nursing mini sessions
Did you guys know I started offering these all the time? I’m SO excited! HERE is all the info! What’s so special about these mini sessions is of course capturing the bond of a child and their mother but also all the in-between moments that come with...
May 7, 2015 | baby photography, birth photography
I’ve been trying to write this blog for two days with no luck. Sometimes I love to write and other times there are so many words scrambled in my head it’s hard to get them out in coherent sentences. This is one of those chaotic times when I’m...
May 2, 2015 | baby photography, Children Photography, Family Photography, Fresh Art Studios, mini sessions
Back in early winter I had an idea for spring mini sessions that I had never seen before – which in the world of Pinterest is pretty shocking! Of course I called my dear friend Mary from Finch Vintage Rentals to share my idea and ask for help executing it!...
Apr 22, 2015 | baby photography, baby plan, cake smash, first birthday, one year
I love and adore this family. Especially Will’s Momma. At his session we realized that she is one of our only clients that has seen us through all FOUR studios we’ve had! First it was in our old home in Glendale, then in my in-laws basement, then my first...
Apr 7, 2015 | baby photography, Family Photography, in home session, lifestyle photography, newborn
I don’t do many in-home sessions because I think we’re mostly known for our studio newborn work but I really loved this session and I hope to do more soon! Being able to capture a family in their home is amazing! AND we just created a fun add-on to all...