Apr 14, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday
When my sister told me she wanted to re-do my niece Sam’s bedroom for her birthday I jumped at the opportunity to go help! We ended up getting her a new dresser, two bookshelves and lots of decor from IKEA which really helped us stay within her budget. Using a...
Mar 20, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday
It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. — Audre Lorde
Mar 17, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday
I got to go to one of Gray’s basketball practices to take some photos and oh my gosh – second grade boys are hysterical and awesome! I love these photos and printed a big one for Gray’s room!
Mar 10, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday
I gave myself a challenge recently – to capture one full day. It was hard and I had a bad day at work so I totally forgot to even attempt to capture myself sitting at my computer all day but at least I caught some sweet moments with the kids just doing their...
Jan 14, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday, exploring missouri
I haven’t posted a personal post in MONTHS! Trying to keep up with my clients is my top priority but you guys know we love to hike so I thought I’d share this recent hike we took! We’ve done Valley View Glades before and it’s for sure one of...
Sep 6, 2016 | allen family, bits of our everyday
Yesterday we got to spend some time with cousins to celebrate my mom’s first cousin, Sally’s, 70th birthday and it was so much fun! My mom is an only child so her first cousins are like my aunts and uncles – we are way closer than most extended...