Route 66 Park

Route 66 Park

Last weekend we had a totally open Saturday, a big cold front was coming in, it wasn’t freezing cold yet and so we embraced the day and headed with bikes to one of our favorite parks, Route 66 Park! We love the wide open spaces, the roads which make for easy...
Random Acts

Random Acts

I’ve been hesitant to share this because I don’t ever want to share acts of kindness and have someone mistake it for bragging about the GOOD we try to do around here. It’s also not why I take photos of some of the things I do with my kids to give...
The first of the year

The first of the year

We had an awesome New Year’s Day. Chris and I got to wake up without the kids and that was SO nice! Waking up to a quiet house was just a nice slow start to the year and honestly, if you hear me talk about slowing down, giving myself a break, taking it easy,...
mommy+gray days

mommy+gray days

Grayson is in preschool four mornings a week and the Grandma’s take him those afternoons which allows me to work four days from 9am-3pm. It’s awesome and the ONLY way I survived the fall busy season! I still work 6-7 nights a week but my goal for this year...