Mar 17, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday
I got to go to one of Gray’s basketball practices to take some photos and oh my gosh – second grade boys are hysterical and awesome! I love these photos and printed a big one for Gray’s room!
Mar 13, 2017 | baby photography, baby plan
How sweet is this baby girl? LOVE watching babies grow during my Baby Plan! She was SO funny – she literally stayed put for 5 second before flipping and rolling all over the place! I wouldn’t be surprised if she was crawling now! The next time I see her...
Mar 10, 2017 | baby photography, birth photography
I barely have words for how much I love capturing Fresh 48 Sessions. Just know that it is one of my greatest honors to be there for your family during this incredibly special time! Watching Everett become a big brother? SO SWEET! This family is a favorite. I love...
Mar 10, 2017 | allen family, bits of our everyday
I gave myself a challenge recently – to capture one full day. It was hard and I had a bad day at work so I totally forgot to even attempt to capture myself sitting at my computer all day but at least I caught some sweet moments with the kids just doing their...
Mar 6, 2017 | Family Photography
I love this family and these two kids so it was GREAT to meet the rest of them! It was FREEZING this day but we all laughed through it! The kids did awesome for how cold it was!
Mar 3, 2017 | Children Photography
Obviously I’m late getting these to the blog but that doesn’t take away from how cute these kids are! I had a BLAST at this year’s Valentine Mini Sessions and am already dreaming up my background idea for next year! I am now booking spring and summer...
Feb 27, 2017 | baby photography, baby plan, Family Photography
If my clients had unlimited resources I would beg them to all have me come to their home when their baby is about 3-4 months old. It’s just such a sweet session to be at home for! For my Baby Planners – I would totally swap out your maternity session for...
Feb 24, 2017 | baby photography
Sometimes the best sessions are the most simple.