When my mother-in-law is really really happy she smiles with her whole body and says quietly, “just pinch me.” I’m starting to wake up each day and think the same thing. Just pinch me. Between my sweet family and my amazing job I...
What I love about my job is that it feeds my intense desire to constantly change things up! I love planning intricate details with my full family session clients. I love playing with new props and enjoying my time with Kim when we get to snuggle babies at our studio...
Right before I left for our trip to Puerto Rico I got to hang out with Connor and his Grandparents! Honestly, I haven’t laughed so hard at a session in a while! This family totally cracked me up! Connor is growing up in such a JOYFUL family and I love that! Even...
I’ve never done a gender reveal before but I AM HOOKED! Even though I have sneak peeks from last week to share, more photos from our South Carolina trip I want to blog about plus the FANTASTIC time we had in Puerto Rico where I got to photograph a 50th wedding...
Well, I flagged 84 photos to share from our vacation tonight! None are amazing. I dreamed of amazing beach photos at sunset with my kids dressed perfectly and it never happened. I dreamed of amazing candid shots of my kids and our friends playing in the ocean or on...
There are more Grandparent sessions coming up this month but this is the last sneak peek for a little while! Are you guys tired of these yet or are you in love like I am? You might remember these guys from their farm session last month! Still one of my favorite...