Aug 24, 2014 | allen family, bits of our everyday, personal
Bailey turned 9 in July and for the first time we took some of her friends to Grandpa Allen’s lake house – 9 kids and 3 adults! We had an absolute blast! The kids were amazing – no drama or arguing or anything besides total joy at just being at the...
Aug 4, 2014 | allen family, personal
We got back yesterday from Sanibel Island, Florida and while I obviously have photos of the kids to share the first thing I wanted to play with were some of the sky photos I took. I am NOT what I would consider a good landscape or nature photographer but for some...
Jun 11, 2014 | allen family, bits of our everyday, Children Photography, personal
Saturday felt like we were living in Florida – hot, muggy and massive storms coming and going all day. We tried three times to go to Art and Air and every time we’d get caught in a crazy thunderstorm! After one last attempt we were home and Chris and I...
May 27, 2014 | allen family, bits of our everyday, personal
Yesterday my parents asked us to go with them to visit my Grandparent’s graves after church. The girls are doing summer journals and I thought it might be a neat lesson about Memorial Day to take the kids, do grave rubbings and start to understand what today is...