Next up in the Momma Mini marathon is Marcy and her GORGEOUS kids. Would you not just die for her daughter’s hair? Or Marcy’s? Oh man! Thanks so much for coming out Marcy!
I’ve never done this before but since my family is officially on VACATION I am only posting the shots Kim got ready for the blog and I will add mine in to their FB album as soon as I can! I didn’t want this awesome family waiting too long but I also...
I came across these shots from spring break back in March and it was like the clouds parting on a rainy day to let the sunshine in! Spring break started out SO rough with LICE and then Chris leaving for five days (after our annual argument about how much time he...
Oh man do I have a sweet treat for you on this rainy Friday! Libby was so sweet and so pretty and so fun to work with this week! She’s is TEENY tiny at only 5lbs, she was hungry and really hated being moved/posed BUT in the midst of all of that we managed to get...
Yesterday Bailey came up with an idea that the rest of the kids (mine plus our neighbors) implemented with my help and it totally revolutionized our backyard play time! Seriously, if you have a trampoline that you’ve taken the net off of because you don’t...
Oh my gosh you guys. When you see the amount of photos I’m sharing I think you will understand how much I loved this session! I’ve known Kate for a few years because her oldest son was in the same preschool class with Bailey AND she lives across the street...