keep your camera close | and your kids closer

keep your camera close | and your kids closer

The last year or so I’ve been struggling with BEING in the moment with my kids and CAPTURING the moments with them. When I’m IN the moment and not worrying about lighting and ISO and aperture I’m able to enjoy it more fully. However, with my lack of...
Gia turns one | St. Louis Family Photography

Gia turns one | St. Louis Family Photography

Oh man. I don’t even know where to begin to tell you about how awesome our session was Saturday night! Except maybe I’ll start with the very end of the session when on our way back to St. Louis from Hermann, MO we stopped at a gas station so I could go...

A quick note of thanks.

I think I’ve mentioned it here before, but in case I haven’t, we bought a house this summer. And since then (about a month ago) we’ve been spending every waking hour over there painting and building and working to make it ours. Our poor kids have...
Baby D | St. Louis Newborn Photographers

Baby D | St. Louis Newborn Photographers

I got a text tonight from Katie that we get to show you his face! I guess the social worker on their case saw some of the images we’d sent Katie and Russ privately and she said it was ok to share them! YAHOO! Because you guys, you are going to die! This is...
Mohr Kids | St. Louis Newborn Photography

Mohr Kids | St. Louis Newborn Photography

If you’ve followed their story at all you are going to JUMP UP AND DOWN when you see this: And if you remember THIS or THISĀ  it will make you cry instantly like it did me the entire time we got to shoot this little cutie the other day! We can’t share his...