Mar 22, 2013 | allen family, bits of our everyday
We stay home for spring break because Chris travels each year with his soccer team to South Carolina (I’m not bitter at all, I swear) and so every year I try to do special day trips with the kids. Staying busy and keeping them moving makes for fun days and a...
May 14, 2012 | allen family, bits of our everyday |
Last week was tough. Three super sick kids spaced out over six LONG days at home dealing with high fevers, puke, sore throats, arguments over who gets to pick the movie, etc. So moving into Mother’s Day all I really wanted was one huge BREAK from my kids. But we...
May 1, 2012 | allen family, bits of our everyday, lifestyle photography
A couple of weeks ago Bailey got her first loose tooth which was a BIG deal in this house! I am not exaggerating when I tell you that this kid has been praying since the first kid lost a tooth last year in Kindergarten that she would lose a tooth and QUICK! She...
Apr 30, 2012 | allen family, bits of our everyday, Children Photography |
I came across these shots from spring break back in March and it was like the clouds parting on a rainy day to let the sunshine in! Spring break started out SO rough with LICE and then Chris leaving for five days (after our annual argument about how much time he...
Apr 19, 2012 | allen family, bits of our everyday, Children Photography, Family Photography, lifestyle photography |
Yesterday Bailey came up with an idea that the rest of the kids (mine plus our neighbors) implemented with my help and it totally revolutionized our backyard play time! Seriously, if you have a trampoline that you’ve taken the net off of because you don’t...
Apr 17, 2012 | allen family, bits of our everyday, Children Photography, Family Photography, lifestyle photography |
As promised here are some of our recent everyday moments… We had an awesome trip to the zoo last month with our best friends, our favorites neighbors, my parents and my sister+nieces! I think we had nine kids with us maybe? It was supposed to rain so we had the...